„Harry Potter and the Cursed Child“ Review + „Hogwarts Mystery“

 Hello and welcome to another one of my articles! For this article I have prepared the review of the book „Harry Potter and the Cursed Child“ plus I will tell you something about the Harry Potter game that I have started to play although I usually never play any computer or mobile games. I am a huge fan of Harry Potter, so I´m very glad that I´ve finnaly read this book.

 Anyway, I started going to the middle school and although the first day was like hell and I didn´t talk to anybody, after these two and a half weeks I´ve found myself very happy in the new school. People are different than in the primary school, most of them like reading just like me, they are ready to study and they respect profesors. Most of them also like Harry Potter, so that is nice. I found myself in a group of seven people. We are all in the same class, we are all girls and it´s a lot of fun.
 It´s still very hot outside and I´m still patiently waiting for the autumn to come. Nights are a bit colder now, so that is nice, but I´ll be much more happier when wood starts to smell like leafs wet from rain and mushrooms popping around trees.

„Harry Potter and the Cursed Child“

 „Harry Potter and the Cursed Child“ is a drama written in 2016 by Jack Thorne and signed by Jack Thorne, J. K. Rowling and John Tiffany. It contains two parts. Previews of the play began began at Palace Theatre in London on 7th June 2016. Since then, it´s played in Lyric Theatre in NY, Princess Theatre in Melbourne, Curran is San Francisco and Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt in Hamburg. It has won many awards since it started to be performed.

 A brand new story of Harry Potter, the boy who survived, does not really follow him as the main character. Now, I will try to spoil as less as possible, but to give you some kind of base of the story, I must write the most important things. The main characters in this book are Albus Severus Potter and his best and only friend, Scorpius Malfoy. The story begins where it has finnished in „Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows“. Albus Potter is heading to the Hogwarts for the first time in his life and he is scared that he might end up being Slytherin, but his father, Harry Potter, tells him that he has the name of a man who was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man he had ever known. 
 Albus enters Hogwarts express with Rose Granger-Weasley. He enters compartment of Scorpius Malfoy, lonely boy isolated because everyone has doubts that he might actually be Voldemort´s son. Rose refuses to stay with him, but Albus decides to be his friend. When kids in school see the two of them, rumors start to spread. It becomes even worse when both of them are sorted into Slytherin house. Everyone start saying that Albus is completely opposite of his father, and he does not make any new friends, except for smart bookworm Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius likes Hogwarts although they are isolated, but Albus starts hating it.
Harry, Gini and albus Potter in the last scene of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
 Another problem is that Harry Potter is a very bussy man nowadays and barely has any time for his family. His relationship with Albus is not very good and Albus hates to be the son of famous Harry Potter. Meanwhile, Ministry of Magic finds time-turner made by Theodore Nott. All of the magic-turners were supposed to be destroyed after the fall of Voldemort, but this one has been found and it is good as new. Instead of destroying it, Ministry of Magic keeps it hidden in Hermiona Granger´s office. One day, father of Cedric Digory turns up at the Potter´s doorstep asking Harry to use time-turner to bring back his son to life, but Harry refuses. Albus hears them talking and decides that he will save Cedric.

 And that is basically when things start getting complicated, so I will not tell you more of a story.

 I was a bit disappointed by this story. While reading other books from Harry Potter series I´ve cried, laughed, and I couldn´t stop thinking about what might happen next, and while reading this, I kind of felt like it was fake. It is written kind of childishly in my opinion and, while in the earlier books everything Harry and his companions did was very well planned and conected, what Albus and Scorpius did was pretty much like: „Hey! Let´s do something crazy and then find a way how to fix the situation later!“ There was lack of spells and lack of Media and public interference that made earlier stories so interesting. There was not even one part that made me want to kick or hug some character, nothing made me feel realy angry or touched.

 Of course, it is written completely differently that the books before. We have roles and deeds and everything and much more dialogue than descriptions which I´m not really a fan of, but I just feel like some emotion, some special magical glow was not put in this story like it has been put in other stories about Hogwarts and Harry Potter.
 However, I think it is really interesting how Albus and Scorpius, sons of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, became friends andhow son of the great Harry Potter became Slytherin who was not accepted in Hogwarts at all. That is a very interesting plot twist. And the person Scorpius turned up being, that is very well made up. I would really like to see the actual play. It would probably be much better to actually watch it than to read all the dialogue. I mean, I have written many things about this story, but I have only read it and it was not really meant to be read, but to be performed. It is probably much better when it is shown on the stage.

„Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery“

  I´m not really a big gamer and I usually do not play any computer or mobile games at all, but I was quite interested into this game that recently came out. I´m sure that plenty of you have already tried to play it, but I downloaded it just last week. I have not been playing it for very long, but this is what I think about it untill now.
 I think graphic is very nice and the way you make your character is okay. After you have made your character and named it, you first go to buy everything you need for Hogwarts and then you enter the school. I choose female character and got the story that my brother was a troublemaker in Hogwarts and run away. I guess that is the story every female character gets. You can choose which house you will be sorted in ( I choose Ravenclaw ). There are other made up characters that will become your friends. You have tasks to do; heading potion classes, learning how to fly on a broom and other stuff. While playing, you collect coins and diamonds for buying clothing and pets and unlocking some tasks, but also some kind of hearts for empathy, shields for being brave and books for being smart. You collect this three icons by choosing specific sentences your character will respond when profesor Snape or someone else asks him or her something. There is also a character in Slytherin that wants to be the most powerful witch and she will try to put you down. In the same time, you have the acces to win extra points for you house, but you might also lose them.

 I do not like that every single thing, every task in the game is made up so that you must simply follow the correct instructions how to do it. It would be better if there were more tasks where you choose what will happen next by choosing sentences and movements your character will take. It is also a shame that you lose energy very quickly and then you must wait for it to get full again because without it you can not solve tasks.

 The game is not bad, it is very fun. I love games like this, where you can create your own character and kind of have efect on how will the story develop. However, it could have been better and there are quite a few things I´d change about it.
  That is all for this article. I hope that you have enjoyed reading it and that you shall come back to my blog whenever I upload a new article. Stay magical!


  1. Sviđa mi se post i drago mi je što si se lijepo snašla u novoj školi :). Istina, u početku srednje škole bude veoma teško, nova sredina, profesori, učenici novi, ali sa vremenom se navikneš. Meni cijela prva godina nije bila baš jednostavna ali sada sam se dobro privikao na novu sredinu. "Harry Poter i ukleto dijete" mi se čini veoma zanimljivim nastavkom, i video igra mi se čini voma zanimljivom, volim igre tog tipa, međutim tokom školske godine nemam puno vremena za igre, pa ću vjerovatno i ja pokušati igrati tu igru kada budem imao vremena. Doduše i ja u posljednje vrijeme slabo skroz igram igrice (iako do predprošle godine ludio sam za njima xD) ali sam shvatio, od kako sam pošao u gimnaziju, prošle godine, da previše igranje igrica je samo gubljenje vremena i da je puno bolje to isto vrijeme iskoristiti u edukativne svrhe ili čitati nešto. Toliko od mog komentara za ovaj post, pozz! :)


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